Tax Problems

Non-Filed Tax Returns

If you do not file your non-filed tax returns, you can be prosecuted and punished with potential jail time. Why risk potentially losing your freedom for failing to file your tax returns?  Let Accounting Offices of Milton Brown- our CPA’s help you file your non-filed tax returns.   

Book a free consultation with a CPA or tax advisor in our CPA firm located in New Jersey.

Back Taxes Owed

It is amazing how fast tax penalties and interest add up. Fortunately, we offer several options when it comes to resolving unpaid taxes. Send us your inquiry to get a Free Consultation with our tax specialist about Back Taxes Owed to the IRS. 

Payroll Tax Problems

The IRS views failing to pay payroll taxes as the cardinal sin of tax delinquency because a large portion of the payroll taxes is your employees’ withholdings. 

IRS Payment Plan

If you don’t qualify for the IRS Offer in Compromise program, a Payment Plan may be the way to resolve your problem.

Are you having tax problems with the IRS?

We are here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and of course, extremely discreet.


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