Internal Controls

Strengthening Your Business with Robust Internal Controls

Effective internal controls are essential to safeguard your company’s resources, improve operational efficiency, and protect against potential risks such as employee theft. Sometimes, an external professional’s perspective is invaluable in evaluating whether your current processes and controls are operating as intended.

At Accounting Offices of Milton Brown, we specialize in assessing your internal control systems to ensure they are efficient and effective. Our tailored recommendations help you enhance your operational procedures, reducing inefficiencies and bolstering profitability.

How We Support Your Internal Control Needs?

  • Segregation of Duties
    We help implement proper division of responsibilities, ensuring that no single individual controls all aspects of a financial transaction. This reduces the risk of errors or inappropriate actions.
  • Authorization of Transactions
    We establish processes where only authorized personnel approve transactions, ensuring alignment with company policies and the availability of funds.
  • Routine Reviews and Reconciliations
    We ensure records are regularly reviewed and reconciled by someone independent of the preparer or transactor, verifying that all transactions are properly processed.
  • Physical Security of Assets
    We assist in securing equipment, inventories, cash, and other assets, including periodic counts and comparisons with control records.
  • Employee Training and Supervision
    We provide your team with the training and guidance they need to perform their duties effectively, while fostering a culture of accountability and awareness of reporting channels for potential issues.
  • Documenting Policies and Procedures
    We help develop and maintain accessible, documented policies and procedures to provide daily guidance to employees and ensure operational continuity during employee absences or turnover.
  • Operational Review and Alignment
    We review your business operations to confirm they align with established goals and objectives, ensuring processes are carried out as intended.

With our expertise, Accounting Offices of Milton Brown helps you build a strong foundation of internal controls, fostering trust, efficiency, and long-term business success.


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(10am - 05 pm)
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