Milton Brown, a distinguished Practicing Accountant based in Clifton, New Jersey, brings over 70 years of exceptional experience to the field. An NYU alumnus, he is licensed in both New York and New Jersey. His career includes leadership roles in prestigious organizations, such as president of state and national accounting societies, and key positions with NASBA. Recognized as one of the “100 Most Influential Accountants” by Accounting Today and a top practitioner by CPA Magazine, Mr. Brown’s expertise extends to chairing the Professional Credential Services and engaging with the Clifton-Passaic Chamber of Commerce. His community service includes past roles with the Boy Scouts and various civic and charitable organizations. Mr. Brown offers comprehensive services, including tax preparation, consulting, business planning, and auditing, reflecting his unwavering commitment to client success and professional excellence.
Imran Nawaz:
Mr. Imran Nawaz is a seasoned finance executive with over 18 years of distinguished experience. Known for his exceptional leadership and governance, he excels in transforming organizations, developing high-performing teams, and navigating complex regulatory landscapes. A Harvard alumnus, Mr. Nawaz’s strategic insight is complemented by his philanthropic work, including founding the Al Hayat Welfare Trust in 2015. Currently serving as Vice President at Milton Brown CPA, Mr. Nawaz has a proven track record in financial management, having previously been CFO of a major telecom company and starting his career at PwC. His diverse expertise and commitment to excellence make him a vital asset to our team.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.